Prayers of Declaration

Put away your former way of life, your old self… Be renewed in the spirit of your minds… according to the likeness of God.” Ephesians 4:22-24

A time to seek, and a time to lose, a time to keep and a time to throw away.”
Ecclesiastes 3:6

In this moment, I quiet my mind and listen to the Holy Spirit within me. I recognize there is One Power and One Presence. I know that this Power, that I call God, is right here in this moment.

I am secure in the knowledge that I am never alone. As this new year begins, I ask the Holy Spirt to guide me in what I need to let go of that does not promote my good, my greatest expression, and my experience of God’s abundance. I listen closely to what is revealed from the Holy Spirit, and from this sacred place,

I take a panoramic view of my life to identify the thoughts, feelings and behaviors, memories that may have prevented me from being all that God wants me to be. I joyously surrender that which no longer serves me to the perfect outworking of the Holy Spirit.

I see the vision of God taking form in my life. I know there is a time to seek and time to let go.

I gratefully release my word to the Power that is, knowing that right where I am, God is. And So It Was.



“Lead me in your truth, and teach me, For you are the God of my salvation, for you I wait all day long." Psalm 25:5

There is only One Life, One Power and one Presence that I call God.

This Life, this Presence is pure Spirit. As I allow this Holy Spirit to move through my awareness, I know I am being lead by God.

Today,I am open to my fullest potential and joyfully establish a vision of myself as a whole person in God. I have been lead to this awareness because I am a teachable Child of God.

My belief in Good causes God to act in my life for good. This action of God creates love and freedom in my life and in all of my relationships.

By living up to my potential,I am being lead in Your Truth. With a grateful heart, I let go and let God do It’s perfect work through me.

And So It Was.


My Heart is Filled with Gratitude

“I will put my spirit within you and you will live and I will place you on your own soil; then you shall know that I the Lord have spoken and will act says the Lord.” Ezekiel 37:14

I am in spiritual partnership with the Universal Power that I call God. I am one with the Creative Heart of God. I live my life with with God and reveal the Divine Pattern of Spirit in all that I do. I am prepackaged with everything I desire.

All I imagine and desire and have use for is already within me. I recognize that God is all there is and by doing so I realize that there is no lack or limitation in my thinking, therefore in my life. Knowing that the Spirit of God dwells within me, I willingly partner with this Power in the unfolding plan of my good.

I accept myself as a successful idea in the Mind of God. My heart is filled with gratitude and I now release my word, allowing it to be so. And So It Was.


I Have Been Renewed in the Spirit

“I will put my spirit within you, and you shall live, and I will place you on your own soil, then you shall know that I the Lord, have spoken and will act, says the Lord”. Ezekiel 37:14

Today, I declare and know that the true Spirit of God has been placed within me. I feel this Power and Presence and become one with it.

Today, I claim and know that I have been made in the image and likeness of God’s Goodness and this power within me is always active and present. I let go of my old self and old beliefs, knowing I have been renewed in the Spirit.

I realize that I am surrounded by and immersed in an infinite field of free flowing substance. This substance takes the form of my thoughts and intentions and they are only focused on which represents God’s abundance and prosperity.

I am grateful to know that as I choose what I desire in life, the Spirit within is always active in my life, leading, guiding and directing me.

God is Good and my life is good. With joy and thanksgiving I release my word to Spirit, knowing it is done unto me as I believe. 

And So It Was.


I am One with God in the Mist of Me.

The very breath I breathe is God breathing me. Today, I place my attention on the Spirit of God that lives within me.

I focus my attention on the truth of God, that is my Source of my divine nature. As I open my heart to the love of Spirit, I feel It’s Presence fulfilling me. As a creation of the Infinite, I recognize that the place where I stand is holy ground and that nothing in this world is greater than this Presence. Recognizing that no situation or circumstances is greater than God,

I now focus my attention on the truth of God and trust that the best outcome for whatever I am desiring is on its way. In prayer I release the ned for a specific outcome, trusting that there is likely a solution of which my human mind cannot conceive. I keep my thoughts and energy focused on God and trust that all is well.

“We look not at what can be seen but what cannot be seen, for what can be seen is temporary, but what cannot be seen is eternal.’ 2 Corinthians 4:18

Thank you God. And So It Was. Amen.

God Works Through Me

“The spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.” Job 33:4

I am immersed in the Infiniteness of God and know that the Holy Spirit within me is the very essence of everything good.

I know this Divine Presence, which I call God is as close as the very breath that I breathe.

I recognize and make real in my life that the kingdom of God is within me and I am the activity of this Divine Presence.

I speak my word with confidence and trust, knowing it is God’s good pleasure to give me the kingdom.

As I am inspired and moved by the Divine Presence,

I permit my awareness to expand and become an overflowing vessel of God’s Goodness.

Right here and right now, I say yes to the kingdom of God within me. Grateful that God works through me, I give thanks that it is so. And So It Was.


Bountiful Blessings

“Put away your former way of life, your old self… be renewed in the spirit of your minds… according to the likeness of God.” Ephesians 4:22-24 There is One Life, One Power and One Presence, that is the Source of all. That Source is the Spirit of God within me. Recognizing this Power, I put away my former beliefs in lack and limitation. I let go of my old self as I have been renewed in the Spirit. I realize that I am surrounded in and immersed in an infinite field of free-flowing substance of Spirit. This substance takes the form of my thoughts and intentions, and they are only focused on that which represents God’s Goodness and prosperity. Being one with this Power enables me to make right choices and experience my greatest desires.

As I choose what I desire in my life, it is made manifest. I overcome what seem to be obstacles, for I have been renewed in Spirit and there is no problem too big for God. I step forward into this new day being renewed in the Spirit of Mind, according to the likeness of God.

God is Good, and my life is good. Gratefully, I release the power of my word to the Mind of God. My life is grand so am I. Thank you God. And So It Was.


There is One Power and One Presence, that is the Source of all.

This Source, this Power is the Life of Spirit that lives within me. Recognizing this One Presence as my Source, I put away my former belief in lack and limitation. I let go of the old self as I have been renewed in the Spirit. I realize that I am surrounded by and immersed in the Infinite Flow of God’s Goodness and Substance. This substance takes the form of my thoughts and intentions, and they are only focused on that which represents peace, joy love and abundance.

Today, I claim and know that God is right where I am, that I can choose to have this unfailing Love everywhere in my life. As I choose what I desire in my life, I see that it is made manifest, for I have been renewed in Spirit and I know there is no problem to big for God. I step forward into this new day being renewed in the Spirit of Mind, according to the likeness of God. God is Good, and my life is good.

With gratitude, I release my request to God, knowing that right where I am, God is. And So It Was. 
