Rev. Charin R Barone
It has been a long-held belief of mine that what we carry in our hearts, is ultimately what we demonstrate in our lives. Every thought we experience creates a chemical reaction in our brains that triggers an emotion. Emotions, when repeated, seep into our hearts and minds, becoming habits. These habits of thinking create our world, hence, ”As a man thinketh….” Truly, what we put our attention on we energize in mind, body and spirit.
This revelation of the power of thought is so exciting, because it provides us with the power and path to change our lives and the world around us. Simply said, changing our thoughts and beliefs can change the world!
Rev. Charin grew up attending a Baptist Church in Isabel, South Dakota. “At the age of 8, I knew I was going to be a preacher,” she recalls. “In those days Baptists did not ordain women. I said to my mom, I want to be a preacher, but how can I with these restrictions. She told me, ‘If the Lord wants you to be a preacher the Great Spirit will help you find the way.’ And, that is exactly what happened!!!”
As a young woman, Rev. Charin made her way to California, eventually landing in Hollywood. “The Lord must have thought I needed to learn a little bit about life,” she recalls. She began her career with the legendary Entertainment producer, Norman Lear. On her first day, she was asked if she knew about the man she would be working for, and she answered, “No, but I sure am eager to learn.” And so she did. She learned the business of entertainment, and the power or storytelling. Her work with Mr. Lear, led her to positions with other studio heads and producers at such places as Columbia Pictures, Disney and Turner Pictures.
Rev. Charin met her writer husband, Frank, while working on the Nell Carter hit TV show, “Gimme a Break!” Together, they realized Rev. Charin’s dream of ministry, and she was ordained in 1985 by the Rev. Doctor Margaret Stevens at the Santa Anita Ministerial Seminary in Arcadia, CA. In 1996, she received a further degree in Christian Communications and Homiletics, from Dr. Robert Schuller’s International School of Christian Communications at the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, CA.
Rev. Charin began her ministry practice as Senior Minister, Beverly Hills New Thought Church, Beverly Hills, CA (1992-1994). Then in 1993, she had the great honor of being asked to be a Presenter at the World Parliament of Religions Conference with Dr. Robert Mueller, Under Secretary General of the United Nations. In 1996, Rev. Charin accepted the Senior Minister position at Unity Church of Today, Redwood City, CA (1996-2000).
In 2001, Recalling Spirit Ministries was founded by Rev. Charin in San Carlos, CA. Rev. Charin led Recalling Spirit Ministries from 2001 to 2006. Sadly, Rev. Charin’s husband, Frank, passed away in 2011 and she stepped away from leadership for a time. She remained an active consultant and inspirational speaker.
In 2010, Rev. Charin launched a production company aimed at bringing change to the world through positive, impactful entertainment that inspires and delights. “Stories are our history. They give us roots. They help us to understand our complex and often contradictory world in a way that brings clarity of purpose and direction,” says Rev. Charin. “Stories come from movies and TV. They also come from the Bible, and the Lord, all mighty.”
In 2022, Rev. Charin decided to bring her experience in ministry and media together, returning to leadership at Recalling Spirit Ministries. “I look around, and I see our message and our sense of community are needed more than ever,” she said. “I’m excited to be a part of this next chapter in Recalling Spirit Ministries, and to be bringing the teachings of Spirit to people young and old, in new and impactful ways.”